So 2010 has left us and I am going over the highs and lows.
My friends and family will know how much I mourned the loss of my
precious cavalier Honey. But in celebration she was a good age, and as you can see in this photo looked sparky to the end.
Pebbles ever the rebel will not look at the camera!!

I had a wonderful birthday with Mum Dad and daughter Laura, I think they all look good for their age!!

Also some sunshine, hard to think with all the snow recently.

This was a
sunset from our drive , we really do live in an idyllic place.(Until the snow)

Me and my Mum, looks good for 75 I think. (Sorry Mum)

Me and my sisters, spread out in age, but guess who is the odd one out, with the curls!!!

I am so pleased that my daughter has met this lovely boy??? man??? He has made her so happy.
She will be 30 years old this year, but had childhood leukaemia and we were told when she was 3 years old she had 2 weeks to live. I think she looks pretty good, but I am of course biased.
All in all I have a lot to be thankful for, I have more, but will save it for another day.
Thank you to all my special friends, you know who you are, and my family for supporting me through a difficult year.
I KNOW 2011 will be a better year for all of us xxx